How to Solve the Biggest Problems with Ecommerce Website Security

Most businesses have embraced online marketing trends. This has brought forth several cybersecurity issues that ought to be dealt with when they arise. There has been an increase in security threats and cyberattacks that have caused several businesses to suffer significant losses and incur a lot of resources to fix these issues. As time passes by, new threats to e-commerce websites crop in. This makes it more difficult for e-commerce websites to deal with them. The good news is that there are measures that you can readily put in place to ensure that your E-commerce website is free from threats brought about by cybersecurity problems to your E-commerce website. This article explains some of these measures. 

1. Avoid Saving Unnecessary Customer Data or Information

Hackers will always try to gain access and steal the information which you already have. One of the most significant sources of this information is unnecessary user and customer data that you will keep on saving. Hackers will be able to extract this kind of information and use it to gain access to your website. It is therefore crucial that you delete such unused data or use tools like Comodo and SSL2BUY to manage your customer data.

2. Always Make Updates to Your SSL/TSL

Installing an SSL certificate onto your e-commerce website is one of the essential mechanisms towards securing your website against data loss. An SSL certificate ensures that the data transfer between your website and the users of the website remain safe and sound and free from the reach of unauthorized parties. You can buy RapidSSL wildcard to secure your subdomains. It would be best if you did not leave it installing the SSL Certificate but go ahead to make constant upgrades to SSL/TSL. This is because new updates come with improved security features that can be of great benefit when it comes to solving some of the most significant E-commerce website security threats.

3. Carry Out Regular Checks on to Your E-commerce Websites

Most credit card companies usually require most of the retailers to carry out tests onto their websites. These tests are useful in detecting the vulnerabilities that might exist on the websites. Apart from carrying out these tests, it is also crucial that you do your checks on the website regularly to eliminate the risks of hackers and protect your website from access by unauthorized parties. 

One of the checks that you can undertake is by doing regular scanning. It is where you constantly do checks on your E-commerce website and come up with a list of links that ought to be tested. You must ensure that all graphics, advertisements and all content that is included on your website are free from security threats brought about by hackers.

Another security check that you should do is penetration testing. This is a technique that is applied when checking for security threats in the code. You must point out any vulnerabilities that range from XSS to vulnerabilities associated with debugging code and leftover code. These vulnerabilities could be a signal of an impending data breach of confidential data.

4. Delete Risky Software

Another way to solve some of the most cybersecurity issues that could pose a threat to your E-commerce website is to do away with risky software. One of the tools that you can use in doing this is by using web development codes like HTML 5. Some of the vulnerable software that you should get rid of include the Adobe flash. If it is necessary that you use Adobe Flash, then you must make use of a patching technique of software to safeguard your website.

5. Create a Security Layer

It is good that you create a security layer for your website. Creating firewalls can be one way of adding extra layers of security for your website. You can also add search queries and contact forms to your E-commerce website to increase its security.

6. Properly Configure the Perimeter Defenses

Having security layers is one thing and having them properly configured is another thing. You should make sure that the firewall is properly installed on your website. Having these perimeter defenses properly installed will give your website the following security benefits;

  • DDoS protection
  • Constant risk detention
  • Prevention against information loss
  • Preventing your website from access by unauthorized parties.

7. Make Sure that all the Communications Are Encrypted

Communication between you and your clients or customers should be fully encrypted. This is especially where they involve credit card transactions and in cases of email communications. You should never send confidential information via unencrypted platforms. These increase the vulnerability of the information as hackers can easily gain access to it and use it for their malicious purposes.

8. Choose a Reliable Web Hosting Company

A web hosting company is an essential asset for your E-commerce website. A web host will be able to deal with most of the cybersecurity issues that might arise. Making the right choice of hosting company is vital. One of the things you must consider when deciding a dependable web hosting company is the brand name of the company. It would be best if you also went for a web host that provides regular backups on behalf of the client. A good web hosting company also employs 256-bit RSA encryption or even more. The web hosting company should also be able to offer a single point of contact in situations where there is an emergency. It would be best if you went through the policy statements and the terms and conditions of the web hosting company before finally undertaking to use its services.

9. Trust and Verify your Customers

You should not only trust your customers or clients but also verify them. You should do this by enabling an Address Verification System and make your customers to input in a Card Verification Value. You can also employ other secure and trusted measures to verify your clients. 


There are lots of E-commerce website security threats that exist today. These threats can cause enormous losses to your business and tarnish your business brand. Therefore, it is necessary to have ready solutions that will help you to deal with such problems when they occur. This article explains some of the hack-proof and security measures that you can apply in doing this.

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