How To Use Intranet Software For Knowledge Management In Your Organisation?

A lot of organizations have incorporated social intranet software into their work life. It has been noticed that using social intranet software can increase productivity by as much as 25%. The negative connotations of social intranet can be easily handled. There are several ways you can keep employees from misusing this powerful social space. For example, depending on the roles and responsibilities of the employee, you can grant access to certain features and limit other features depending on the role of the individual. You can keep an eye on how employees are using this tool. Giving feedback on their activities can ensure that they are using it for the benefits of the team and the organization. 

You can use the intranet as the quickest and easiest way to share knowledge and expertise within your organization. Knowledge management is important as it gives you a competitive advantage. As your intranet is accessible to all the employees, try to make your knowledge management strategy around powerful social intranet software. So, let’s see how you can use this tool for knowledge management.

What Is Knowledge Management? 

We can say that knowledge management consists of processes and systems for publishing, managing, sharing and capitalizing on knowledge and expertise. You can use both internal and external sources to get knowledge and share it over your intranet. Knowledge management improves your decision-making capabilities. This, as a result, makes your teams more productive and innovative. Management can also recognize and reward the experience and expertise of employees. 

How Does Social Intranet Software Help? 

When it comes to making a knowledge management strategy, start with your office intranet because of the following reasons: 

  • Your employees can easily access it, even those who are working remotely. 
  • It allows you to share knowledge across your organization. 
  • Social intranet software is intuitive and easy to use.  

With intranet software, you can have a central knowledge management system. 

Knowledge Publishing 

You can use your intranet software to publish all the company data and knowledge at the team and organizational levels. You can publish policies, manuals, frequently asked questions (FAQs), announcements and so on. You can use site restrictions to make sure that the information is shared with the intended team for intended purposes. 

Use advanced search functionality and systematic indexing to make sure that the staff can easily navigate to the required information. Use the same principles when you are publishing information from external sources. Your staff also knows that the latest information is available on the intranet.

Staff Directory 

Your intranet software can make the information available across the organization in a variety of ways. The best way is to use the staff directory to share information. A staff directory can include photos, biographies and synopsis of current projects. The staff stays in touch with sources of information and subject experts. The directory is most likely to be the most used feature that staff members will refer to several times a day. So, it is a great idea to use both the directory and intranet software in your knowledge management strategy. 

Knowledge Collaboration

An intranet is an ideal platform for promoting and encouraging knowledge collaboration amongst employees. You can create collaborative project spaces where employees can work together to complete tasks or projects. For example, you can set up a space for enhancing the customer experience. People from different levels of expertise can share their knowledge and experiences in these spaces on your intranet.  

Empower Your Employees 

You can unlock the hidden knowledge within your organization and this will empower your employees. Give them space and they will love to contribute with their knowledge and expertise so that others can learn. When they see their contribution generating positive results for the team or your organization, they feel empowered. Make sure that you are valuing and recognizing their contribution.

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