What Are The Types Of Dental And Oral Diseases?

Dental and oral health is a crucial part of your overall health and well-being. Poor or ill oral hygiene can result in dental cavities and gum disease, and, further, has been linked to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. 

Maintaining healthy teeth and gums is a must for everyone and is a lifelong commitment. The earlier you learn good oral hygiene habits such as brushing, flossing, and limiting sugar intake, the easier it will be to avoid expensive dental procedures and long-term health problems.

What Are The Symptoms Of Dental And Oral Problems?

You should not wait until you experience any symptoms to visit your dentist. Regular dental checkups or going to the dentist once every six months will allow them to catch a problem even before you notice any symptoms.

If You Feel Any of The Following Warning Signs of Dental Health Problems, You Should See Your Dentist As Soon As Possible:

  • chronic bad breath
  • sores, ulcers, or tender areas in the mouth that don’t heal after a week or two
  • bleeding or swollen gums after brushing or flossing
  • loose teeth
  • sudden sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures or drinks
  • pain or toothache
  • swelling of the face and cheek
  • receding gums
  • pain with chewing or biting
  • frequent dry mouth
  • cracked or broken teeth
  • the clicking of the jaw

If any of these symptoms are followed by a high fever and facial or neck swelling, you should get emergency medical treatment at Dental hospitals in Hyderabad.

What Are The Types Of Dental Diseases?

We use our teeth and mouths a lot, so it is not surprising that so many things can go wrong, especially if you do not take proper care of your teeth. Most dental and oral issues can be prevented with proper oral hygiene. You will likely experience at least one dental problem during your lifetime. Here are some of the types: 


Cavities are also commonly known as tooth decay that form in the areas of the teeth that have been damaged permanently and probably even have holes in them. Cavities are very common and occur when food, bacteria, and acid coat your teeth and result in a plaque. 

Gum Diseases (Gingivitis)

Gum disease, also called gingivitis, is an inflammation of the gums. It is typically the result of plaque building up on your teeth because of poor brushing and flossing habits. This can swell your gums and bleed while brushing or flossing. Untreated gingivitis can result in periodontitis, which is a more serious infection.


As periodontitis progresses, the infection could spread to your jaw and bones. Further, it can also cause an inflammatory response throughout the body. Look for dental implants in Hyderabad for the right treatment. 

Cracked or Broken Teeth

A tooth can crack or break due to an injury to the mouth, grinding the teeth at night, or chewing hard foods. A cracked tooth can cause a lot of pain. You should visit your dentist immediately if you have cracked or broken a tooth.

Sensitive Teeth

If your teeth are sensitive, you may feel pain or discomfort after eating or drinking cold or hot foods or beverages. This condition is also referred to as dentin hypersensitivity. It sometimes occurs temporarily after a root canal or a filling. It can also be due to:

  • a cracked tooth
  • receding gums
  • gum disease
  • worn-down fillings or crowns

Oral Cancer

Oral Cancers Include Cancer of The:

  • lips
  • gums
  • tongue
  • the floor of the mouth
  • cheek
  • the hard and soft palate

A dentist is generally the first person to recognize oral cancer. Smoking and chewing tobacco is the greatest risk factor for oral cancer. 

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