Eco-Friendly Homes Up for Grabs in Australia

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Written By Alin Robert

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Are you eco-conscious? Are you worried about the implications that man-made decisions can have on the environment? Do you believe in using sustainable products and have you switched over to sustainable life choices in your personal life? Do you fear that may be appealing to your eco-conscious choices might compromise on your sense of individualistic style? 

Look no further; Tiny Blox makes you believe that every step in the journey of life makes a difference, and making that decision lies in our hands. Firstly, let’s address that an “impeccable design is one that creates self-sustaining homes.”

There are no two ways about it. With this motto in foresight, focusing on a unified will to make small changes in the way we live life. Let’s expound on the one possibility to make eco-friendly homes in Australia.

Tiny Blox’s concept is about designing eco-friendly kit homes. They are built in such a way, where a design kit is used to select the items to be used while building your home. 

The steps involved in beginning to build your custom-made dream home is: 

  1. Selecting a shell size of the tiny home you are willing to build.
  2. The next step involves the ability to connect multiple shell sizes to create your homes catering to your specific needs. 
  3. After this, you can choose your cladding, from the type of cladding that you prefer, based on the climatic conditions of your area and also the type of insulation required.
  4. With the added pleasure of stacking multiple sheets of cladding in order to create the kind of environment that your small home is supposed to emulate. For example, to make it your detached recording studio, you can stack up multiple levels of cladding to make your studio, sound-proof. 
  5. The following step involves the ability to choose roof and window colours, with a limited package eco-friendly paints colour options.
  6. The next step involves choosing a flooring system that oozes its allure with the impact of being eco-friendly as they don’t have to be dug deep into the earth cores in order to stabilize the tiny home. Instead, It’s a system that gets nailed into place without using joists and bearers otherwise required to build a home
  7. The final two steps are where you can opt for optional add-on services. These purely depend upon the purpose of building your own house. Also depending on the climatic conditions in your area of residence and desire on using it. For example, eco-friendly toilet etc.

One of the most eco-friendly aspects of these tiny homes in Australia is having the ability to build it over two days and also take it down as and when needed. It isn’t fixed down to one place by making an extensive foundational base for these tiny homes. 

And, if you are the type of person or family who is into living a nomadic life, experience nature for its goodness. Having the option to work from anywhere and loving a life that doesn’t tie you down, these eco-friendly homes can be built anywhere a portable tiny house for your happy living. In the various terrains that Australia is home to, you can build your own dream home. 

You could have a sea-facing home for a couple of months. Experience the Australian low lying desert terrains and also go up to the mountains and experience Christmas in a fairly pleasant up-hill town. With Tiny Blox, you can now park yourself anywhere you please. 

Find the lifestyle you deserve without creating more sturdy rooted homes and building other ones in other towns. Instead, just pick yourself up every time that you want to and rebuild the same tiny space, in another town. 

It truly about keeping this world a better place for those to inherit them after us. None of the materials used in the building of this tiny home, in any way, contributes to the destruction of our planet earth. Small acts, such as this, multiplies my a million people, can transform the earth, a step at a time.