Sneaky Tricks to Save Money While Shopping Online

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Written By adoosimg

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Like most people, you’re probably relying on online shopping more than ever. Chances are you’ve started buying some items online recently and realized that there is no need for you to go to an actual store to do your shopping anymore. While you’re enjoying the greatest benefits of making this kind of purchase, you’ve also probably wondered if there is a way to save even more money. Luckily, the answer to that question is “yes”! Take a look at the following tips that should help both novices and seasoned shoppers to save some money.


Before you click on the “Complete my order” button, think twice. Instead of clicking it, we recommend you wait for a couple of days. You’ll probably receive an extra email discount offer from the seller, who thinks you need a little push to complete the transaction. They want to close the deal as soon as possible, so they’re likely to sweeten it a bit, especially if you sign up for their email alerts. So, if you’re in no particular hurry, we suggest you try this method.


A lot has been written and said about coupons and how much they can help you, provided you use them wisely. That’s why you should do a quick Google search for digital coupons before you start looking for a particular product. In combination with a retailer’s email offer, such coupons can really help you slash the price, i.e. save even more money. Just enter deal codes that take a certain percentage off first, before plugging in the ones that give you a specific amount off. That’s how you make the most of your coupons.

Choose the day

This may sound strange, but companies know the best days of raising and lowering their prices. If you figure the system out, you too can benefit from such deals. For instance, Saturdays are known as days when good deals on books appear, while when it comes to jewelry, you should probably do your shopping on a Wednesday. Do some research and find out when the best deals are offered for the product you’re interested in and test this method.

Play the right card

It makes a lot of difference which credit card you use for online shopping. Make sure you choose one of those no annual fee credit cards to save money. Many people simply forget that on top of the price they pay for a product they are also obliged to pay a fee for using a particular card. Since your task is to avoid unnecessary expenditure, using a card that requires no annual fee is the way to go.

Be loyal and ethical

If you frequently shop on a certain website, make sure you sign up for its loyalty reward program and start collecting points, which will give you discounts or gifts. However, don’t overdo it with shopping just to get a discount and avoid signing up for credit cards, especially if they require a fee to be paid. Also, you should consider doing your part to help ethical trading. Get an ethical shopper app that receives a small portion of the price you pay if you use it while shopping. Don’t worry, you still pay the same price, but some amount gets used for ethical purposes.

Buy used, refurbished, or older models

While buying brand new products has many advantages, you shouldn’t neglect those coming from purchasing used items. An open-box TV or a refurbished laptop costs hundreds of dollars less than a new one, and many of such items are almost brand new and come with manufacturer’s warranties. Also, a last year’s model of running shoes is likely to be much cheaper than the latest model. So, if the fact that your running shoes are not “hot” doesn’t bother you, go for an older model and save money.

Social media

All companies are now present on social media and that’s where they also like to offer some great deals, coupons, or goodies to their followers. So, clicking the “like” button or giving them a follow can help you find out about such offers. Needless to say, you’ll receive news and offers that you might not be interested in, but you’ll find what you need eventually, for sure.

All these tips will help you save some money, which you can use for something else. The point is to avoid wasting money and to pay only as much as you have to. With these tricks, you’ll be on the right track and you’ll surely discover some new ones along the way.