Going for a LASIK Surgery in Singapore? Read This First!

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Written By adoosimg

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Going for a LASIK surgery can be daunting, especially so if you had not done any prior research! Think about this, there are different types of laser vision correction surgery in Singapore, not only LASIK! Which one should you choose? Do you know the differences between each of them? Or would you just go to leave it up entirely to your LASIK clinic or surgeon to make the decision for you? Of course, your LASIK surgeon would be the best person to advise you on which type of laser vision correction most suited for your eyes. However, you will surely be more confident in the surgery if you had known more about it and know the differences. And in order to do that, you could read up more on LASIK guides in Singapore, read reviews of the LASIK clinic/surgeons of your choice, talk to those who had undergone the surgery, or read articles like this one! So let’s get right into it!

Should I go for LASIK when I’m below 18 years old?

No, it is usually not recommended to go for LASIK surgery for those below 18 years old. Technically, doctors would say that it is best for you to wait till you are 18 and above before going for a LASIK. The reason is not really about safety issues, but more about achieving the most optimal result for your LASIK surgery. As such, the problem is not so much on safety, but rather the maturity of the eye growth. 

So why 18 years old? It is because usually, the degree of our eyes are not yet stabilized when we are below 18 years old. Meaning that our eye degrees are more prone to change when you are below 18 years old. If your eye prescriptions are still changing naturally due to a natural maturing process, your LASIK outcomes will not last as long as it could be. One way to tell if your eye degrees are more or less stabilized is to see whether there are any changes to your glasses or contact lens’ prescription within the past year.

The types of laser vision correction

First things first, you have to educate yourself on the types of laser vision correction surgery that are available out there in the medical world. There are many types of available laser vision correction surgeries, and each type has its own advantages and risks. Each type is also suited for specific needs. 

For example, LASIK isn’t the most appropriate alternative for those who live an active lifestyle. The reason behind this is because LASIK surgery creates a flap in the cornea using a femtosecond laser. As a result, this cornea flap carries the risk of corneal flap dislodgement for LASIK patients. This is why if you are super active in your lifestyle, such as living as athletes or undergoing military training, your eye surgeon will recommend other eye refractive surgery alternatives. If you are an athlete, perhaps the most suitable approach for you would be TransPRK. 

Whereas for Advanced Surface Ablation procedure such as TransPRK, there would be longer downtime as the epithelial layer that was ablated during the surgery needs time to grow back.

Or would you go for ReLEx SMILE? The latest in laser vision correction surgery that does not require the creation of a corneal flap and yet still able to give you fast recovery, but usually the most expensive compared to the rest.

As you can see, there are many considerations to think about when it comes to getting laser vision correction surgery. For example, whether it suits your active lifestyle or even the cost of the LASIK procedure itself, is it within your budget? Every alternative is specifically equipped in its unique ways to fit different needs. That’s why it’s important to know all the different alternatives and consult your eye surgeon before deciding on which alternative you should go for. 

How it can improve your daily activities or lifestyle

One of the reasons you should consider getting a laser vision correction surgery is because it can bring a lot of advantages in your life. It improves the quality of your daily activities and lifestyles. The perspective that you can have when it comes to considering about eye refractive surgeries would be a perspective of investment. 

Getting an eye refractive surgery is like an investment because although it seems expensive at the front, but as the years go by, the benefits you experience from the outcome will also grow. From something as simple as not having to bother about wearing glasses and contact lens, to being more cost-efficient in your budget because you don’t have to regularly buy contact lens or replace your glasses. 

Another big advantage is if your type of work is most well-suited for people who don’t wear glasses. Let’s take two examples: lab researchers, dancers and performers, and models. People with these jobs would benefit so much from an eye refractive surgery because glasses do get in the way of what they do. However, if they don’t have a clear eyesight, they would need at least contact lens. With vision correction surgery, they won’t have to worry about their glasses nor wearing contact lens on a regular basis. 

Having said that, always prioritize the facilities, technologies, and surgeon’s experiences above the location or convenience. The reason for this is because the safety of your procedure still needs to be your top priority. Even if it means you have to sacrifice more time and effort to endure the traffic, but the success of your surgery is more valuable than those things.  

Hopefully, the information above helps! When in doubt, do check with your LASIK doctor as he or she will be the best person to advise you on your LASIK related questions! Ask as many questions as you could think of to clear your doubts!