Things You Should Know about Winter Eczema and How to Take Care of It

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Written By adoosimg

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The Winter season is almost here. While it is a cold season, it is important to practice good skin care. You don’t want to end up having a skin flare-up the next winter. However, in between these skin stress breakouts, the pandemic has been tough on everyone. Maybe a little self-care is what you need.

In any case, if your skin feels itchy when it’s cold, then you could be having eczema. During winter, the dry cold air can cause great discomfort. Having red, itchy, and flaky skin is not anyone’s cup of tea. Besides, coping with that is quite stressful, especially when there are no perfect skincare products to treat it.

The Winter season is usually anticipated with bonfires and the great holiday joys. It is much of a distressful time if your skin acts up just because of the cold outdoor climate. Dry, itchy skin isn’t something to look forward to this holiday. 

What is eczema?

It is a skin condition defined by red, inflamed, itchy and flaky skin. Consequently, body inflammation causes painful blisters that are of extreme discomfort. Anyone dealing with this knows how winter is a difficult time. The patches threaten to come out with any slight temperature change.

The skin flare-ups are of extreme discomfort and can put you through a lot of misery. Winter is made worse with the ` itch’. It can affect your life and even give you endless insomnia.

Symptoms of Winter flare-ups

Winter makes the skin reaction worse. The skin flares up and becomes so itchy as it can’t stay moist on its own. During winter it’s obvious that you will opt for hot showers or wearing too many warm clothes. Here are symptoms to look out for:

  • Dry, scaly and red patches on the skin exposed to cold
  • Severe itching
  • Painful bumps that become blisters when scratched

It can affect both children and adults. Since it is a genetic disease, it doesn’t have a long-term fix. Albeit, many dermatologists recommend organic skincare routines.

Tips to treat it

You can manage the winter dry skin by taking up a consistent skin care routine. To minimize any skin outbreaks and soothe the irritated skin during winter, here are guide tips to try:

1. Avoid hot baths

Hot water causes your skin to dry out, making it prone to flare-ups. Go for lukewarm showers, after which you should pat your skin dry to retain the moisture. You can add shower moisturizer in your bath to keep your skin moist and healthy.

When cold, you would want your shower to run hot water. Albeit, temperature change is a big skin irritant and the skin will feel dry and itchy.

2. Proper dieting

Whenever you get a skin reaction, it is important to consult with your dermatologist and dietician. Furthermore, since most of the creams are for a temporary fix, go for an anti-inflammatory diet. Probiotic food goes a long way to fixing the skin.

Dieticians recommend you take vitamin D supplements. They reduce winter symptoms.

3. Moisturize often

The skin requires a lot of moisturizing. A natural moisturizer such as Shea butter can help soothe the skin and are good go-to products. Also, when shopping for moisturizers, consider getting recommendations from your dermatologist. Oil-based moisturizers are thick and work perfectly on winter skin. 

The thicker the natural moisturizer, the better the skin barrier it provides. Avoid lotions and water-based moisturizers. Apply immediately after showering. Most beauty shops have dermatologists to advise you on what you need. You can use hydrocortisone cream on painful and itchy patches, but on the doctor’s prescription.

4. Drink plenty of water

The skin should stay hydrated all through to keep it moisturized. Your skin reflects your health. Drink at least eight glasses of water per day or, better still, include your best beverage. It will keep your skin hydrated and prevent any cracks.

5. Use Mild Skin products

During winter or fall, the skin is more sensitive and irritable. When going for skin care products, pick the skincare for sensitive skin products. They should be natural and unscented. Furthermore, if you experience extreme dryness and irritation on your hands after washing, here is a guide on what to do: 

  • Use lukewarm water
  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds
  • Rinse your hands gently and pat them on a towel
  • Apply moisturizer while your hands or skin is damp 
  • Reapply the moisturizer to keep your hands hydrated

Amid this pandemic, regular hand washing is the new norm. You can avoid getting dry, flaky skin on your hands by going for the right products and regular moisturizing..

6. Wear layers

Avoid harsh fabrics like wool and nylon when going for winter clothes. Nonetheless, keep warm during winter by wearing breathable fabric to keep you evenly okay. Too many layers can get you too hot and just like cold, sweat is a good irritant.

Whenever you spend time in the cold, practice good hygiene and wear dry clothing. Wet clothes can cause itchy skin.

7. Natural remedies

Organic skincare supplements such as turmeric and ginger have inflammatory properties. Other than keeping your health in check, they are a good recipe for healthy skin. Take them in the winter by boiling the herbs or including them when seasoning your food.

8. Skin Therapy

Some dermatologists will put you through a skin cleansing and care routine. It is common in the beauty industry. Sond gives you a wide assortment of skin care products that give perfect results.

They have products that are good for sensitive skin. Additionally, their serum products contain coconut oil, sunflower seed oil and vitamin D, known for their inflammatory properties.

You can get Sond skin by sticking to the routine and applying the right formulation. Besides, the Sond creams contain sunscreen, which is a good skin protector. 

Wrap up

Winter flare-ups can be extremely uncomfortable. It is good to consult your dermatologist before taking any medication. However, a proper Sond skincare routine will help you have lovely healthy skin.