How to Fix Outlook [pii_email_563b546bff1ca33d1e4b] Error

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Written By adoosimg

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Have you ever encountered the [pii_email_563b546bff1ca33d1e4b] error message while using Outlook or Outlook Express? You might have as this Personally Identifiable Information (PII) error is very common. This error can occur due to multiple reasons, such as internet disconnectivity and problems in the server. But the most important thing here is to fix this as early as possible because if this error persists for a longer time, it may stop you from operating your daily business communication and some other important functions.  

How do you tackle this error? Do you connect to the 24/7 helpline of Microsoft or do you look for professional assistance from an expert? Well, you do not need any support to fix this error if you have a technical understanding of Microsoft Outlook. You can solve this error on your own quickly.

This guide compiles the three most effective tips to work out on the [pii_email_563b546bff1ca33d1e4b] error. You can resolve the error quickly using these tips. Check out the tips below! 

Connect Your System to a Secure and Stable Internet Connection 

One of the most common reasons for the occurrence of the [pii_email_563b546bff1ca33d1e4b] error is an insecure and unstable internet connection. So, whenever you experience this error, check out your internet connection before connecting yourself to Microsoft’s 24/7 helpline. Fix the error and try using your Outlook email account again. If the error persists, the problem might be in your server connection, related to your account setting, or it could be because you are using an outdated version of the software. 

Try other tips we have mentioned below. They might work for you and your Outlook account might resume its functions quickly. You should connect to Microsoft’s helpline number when all the methods don’t work for you.  

Check Out If the Software Require an Update

When you use an outdated version of Outlook, you face Personally Identifiable Information errors frequently. Check out if your software requires an update. If it requires an update, run an update for the latest version of the software. 

On the other hand, if you are already using an updated version of the software, try reinstalling the software or try re-login into your account. These methods will delete all the corrupt and damaged files from your account. As a result, you will be able to send and receive emails using your Outlook email account. 

Change Your Antivirus Configuration Setting 

Antivirus in your system can also be the reason for the error you encounter while sending or receiving emails using your Outlook email account. Generally, most antivirus software has an “auto email scanning” feature that automatically scans all the sent and received emails. This feature is useful for identifying spam emails, but this may disturb the smooth functioning of your Outlook account. 

If “email scanning” is not necessary, you can disable this feature from the configuration setting of the antivirus you are using. This method may help you fix many PII errors. 

Apart from these methods, you can also try deleting unnecessary emails, changing profile settings, or repairing the software you are using. 

For an instant solution, contact Microsoft customer representatives. They will surely help fix the error you are experiencing instantly. 

Some tips:
