Tips to Help You Stay Healthy and Pass Exams Successfully

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Written By adoosimg

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Exams are usually a difficult task. What is it, therefore, that prevents us from dealing with it? It takes time and effort to prepare for the oral exam answer, but it is an essential stage. Your grade will be determined by how much information you can retain. If you have a good visual memory and are well prepared for the test, the page of the textbook or lecture notes will appear in front of your eyes as you read it. If you can not do it yourself — find a powerpoint presentation writer to help you.  All that is required is that you concentrate and relax (If you are excited, close your eyes, relax, remember something funny or pleasant for a moment). 

For those who want to ace the written evaluation, here are some tried-and-true tactics from psychologists. 

Psychologist’s advice to students on exam PREPARATION

  1. When it comes to preparing for tests, it is a good idea to devise a study strategy.
  2. When developing your study calendar, it is crucial to clarify exactly what you will be studying on each day of the week. “I’ll do a little,” you say, but only because you’ll learn today which bits and which subjects to pay attention to.
  3. As long as your body and mind are still fresh, it’s a good idea to begin with the most challenging section of the course, or the section of the course that you are least familiar with. On the other hand, it’s possible that you’re not in the mood to do anything and that nothing “climbs” into your mind. In this situation, the best place to start is with what you already know, with what you enjoy and find most exciting or delightful, rather than with something completely new. Possibly, as you become more involved, things will begin to move forward.
  4. Make a point of taking a 10-minute break every 40 minutes of working time. This is an excellent time to finish schooling, exercise, and other activities.
  5. You should not strive to read and memorize the entire textbook in order to prepare for the exam. It is useful to reread material on specific topics. After reading the question, take a time to scribble down everything you remember about it, and then go back to the textbook to double-check your answers.
  6. Verify your progress each day by writing down the substance of every question you were given that day and comparing it to the content of your notes from the previous day.
  7. Making plans and ideas when studying for examinations might be helpful, but it’s best done on paper rather than just in your head. As long as you keep jotting down “about yourself” in your journal, you’ll be more likely to retain what you’ve learned in the real world. This “weathered” sensation you have about a certain subject comes over you when you have to tell others what you’ve been thinking about. When you think you know, recall, and begin to answer, but the response comes in fragments, this is typically the case. Such strategies might be useful during the school year, when students are preparing for several subjects. As an added benefit, you’ll spend less time studying for examinations. When you lay out your responses, you’re doing the same thing you’re doing when you answer in class or on an exam: passing on your knowledge to others. Plans are also beneficial since they may be used straight while answering an exam after only a brief repeat of the content.
  8. As a rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to go over the most difficult questions with family, friends, and anybody else who’ll listen, and then do the same in your tests. You can benefit much from recording your answer on a tape recorder and then listening to it as if you were sitting next to it.
  9. If you find yourself doubting your ability to acquire and retain the content essential for the examinations, consider how much you already know, where you are in the process, and how much more work you still have ahead of you to achieve mastery of the topic. As if to bridge the gap between what you know and what you don’t know, focus on what you need to learn. The most important thing is to never attempt to study the entire textbook by heart, but rather to be conscious that your goal is to comprehend, not to memorize. So concentrate on the main points.
  10. Prepare for the exam a few days ahead of time by “losing” yourself in the scenario, imagining everything down to the minute detail, including the event, the commission, and your response. Make an effort to be as specific and thorough as possible. – However, be aware! Make an effort not to pay attention to your own concerns; don’t ignore them, but don’t “focus” on them either. Instead, choose the best solution and the best course of action.


If at all feasible, eat three to four times each day. All of these meals are high in vitamins and minerals, which aid in the healthy functioning of the body and the replenishment of energy expended. Getting enough sleep and relaxing can help to alleviate the stress on the nervous system and its associated symptoms. Except if you wish to take a vacation from your training, there is no reason why you should refrain from engaging in your favorite hobbies

It’s important to keep these biorhythms-logical considerations in mind: The “owl” works inefficiently from 6 to 8 a.m., and the “lark” won’t be able to go to work until 2 to 3 a.m. the next night, if at all. In all individuals, the quantity of biological activity falls from 17 to 18 hours per day, on average. 

It is possible to utilize tonics such as ginseng or Eleutherococcus. Coffee should be had first thing in the morning, but just a small amount should be consumed in order to get your day started on the right foot (for those who are accustomed to starting your day). Caffeine exacerbates the nervousness and anxiety that insecure persons experience. There is no requirement for sedatives, which may only be purchased with a doctor’s prescription.

Exams, like so many other elements of life, are ephemeral events that must be remembered. Their conclusion offers a sense of relief; tears are forgotten, and anxiety is replaced by a pleasant state of relaxation. You may, on the other hand, pass the exam with minimum harm to your health, achieve great scores, and look forward to the next one without experiencing worry or sleeplessness.

As soon as you realize you have no idea what you’re doing, you begin to feel frightened. Those who don’t know what they’re talking about tend to seem calm and collected. Students with a thorough understanding of the subject content are terrified until the very last minute before obtaining their final mark. In order to overcome your anxiousness, tell yourself what you’ve learned as if you were taking an examination. Imagine yourself in a difficult test situation and design a method for handling the problem at hand. Before the exam, prepare by asking yourself some difficult questions and then answering them. Remember your accomplishments and play them back in your thoughts. Perhaps autogenic training could be considered as an alternative. In your sleep, repeat the phrase “everything will work out for me” and allow it to sink in. Even if the exam is difficult, it is important not to lose your cool when faced with a difficult situation. Examiners with a sense of humor have been detected on a number of occasions. Create an answer plan to help you prepare for the test; this will also make you feel more comfortable.