Why is patient-centered care important within the nursing practice?

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Written By adoosimg

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Nursing is an essential function within healthcare and one that plays a very important role in delivering the best patient care. Nurses also play an important part in helping to drive better patient outcomes and passing on useful advice to prevent illnesses. 

As you would expect, this means anyone who is looking to move into the sector needs the right credentials behind them. The University of Indianapolis ABSN program is a good example of an academic program that sets students up to thrive in modern nursing. While courses like this touch on many concepts, patient-centered care is often discussed.

But what is this and why is it crucial for nursing practice? 

What is patient-centered care in nursing practice? 

This refers to all decisions made by nurses around patient care being driven by the specific health needs of the individual patient. It can also encompass the idea that patients are partners with those who care for them and should have input on what care they receive. In addition to clinical treatment specific to the individual, patient-centered care can also touch on treating people from emotional, mental, and spiritual angles.

But why is this approach to treating patients valuable in nursing practice

Delivers tailored, effective care 

Whether it’s the best support for people with mental health issues or the best treatment for a physical condition, an approach which focuses on the needs of a specific patient can be very useful. Patient-centric care models allow nurses to provide specialized care which has the most positive impact for that particular person. Due to this, it can help to achieve better outcomes for patients and enable them to get better quicker. 

Makes care more personal 

The best nursing practices enable those working in the sector to deliver compassionate, thoughtful care. Focusing on patients makes it easier for nurses to do this because it brings a personal touch to the care they provide. 

This helps nurses get to know more about the people they look after and forge a closer connection with them. Patients usually value this type of approach because they like being treated as individuals. This can help them become more engaged with their treatment and feel like they are getting targeted care based purely on their circumstances, genetics and health background.  

360-degree approach to nursing

The care which is centered on patients is not confined solely to clinical decisions. By also considering an individual’s emotional, spiritual, mental, and even financial details, nurses are able to provide care which goes beyond the mere physical. 

This is important because it means patients are treated as complete people and any decisions are considered from all angles. Taking a 360-degree approach such as this ensures nurses have the full picture to work from when caring for people and patients get care which is suitable on all levels. 

Patient-centered care in nursing makes sense 

Although nursing roles include many tasks and responsibilities, caring for patients is the main priority. For this reason, patient-centric nursing practices are essential to know about for anyone working in the industry or those looking to move into it.