Essential Skills for Becoming a Successful Lash Artist

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Written By adoosimg

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Have you got what it takes to be a successful lash artist? Every profession requires a certain set of skills, and being a lash artist is no different. There are many things to learn and skills to acquire to be truly a successful lash technician.

If you’re considering becoming a lash artist, you’re on a good path because the beauty industry in Australia is on the rise. More and more salons are seeking skilled professionals who provide lash or eyebrow services.

Here are some things you need to know about becoming a successful lash artist.

What type of training do you need?

Before we start discussing skills, let’s talk about schooling. To become a professional lash technician, you need to have a certification. You can acquire one by attending a school or taking an online course. 

Many beauty academies and schools offer comprehensive courses and programs where you will learn everything you need to know about becoming a professional lash artist. 

You can also find many great online courses that are relatively affordable and easy to complete. Simply choose your option.

Top skills every lash artist needs

Now, after finishing a course or a school program, you will get the knowledge necessary to be a lash artist. What you won’t get is experience and a specific set of skills. This is something you need to work on yourself. Here are the top skills every lash artist needs.

A bunch of patience

Applying lashes takes a bunch of patience. Generally, applying Russian volume lashes in Sydney takes between 2 and 3 hours! Yes, you read that right – applying these types of lashes takes that long.

So, if you’re not naturally a patient type of person, you will have to work on it or consider a different type of career.

A professional lash artist needs to create a calm and relaxing environment without rushing. Rushing can negatively affect the process of applying the lashes and it can also negatively affect the client. So, work on your patience.

Great concentration

In addition to patience, you will also need great concentration. Do your best to stop your mind from wandering and daydreaming. Stay focused on the work at hand and you won’t be making any mistakes.

If your attention span is short, you might want to work on it before starting lash application on clients.

Great eyesight

The following skill a successful lash artist needs to have is great eyesight. Of course, you will be equipped with all kinds of tools but having great eyesight can help significantly.

If you have eyesight issues, make sure to invest in glasses with the right prescription so you can see every detail. Without it, you’ll make things much more difficult for yourself.

Steady hands

Lash application is a very intricate work. More often than not, lash application requires applying individual eyelashes, one by one. And considering a human eye has around 60 eyelashes, that’s what you have to work with.

So, to be a good lash artist, you need to have very steady hands to be able to do a good job and not poke your clients.

You also need to work on hand placement while applying lashes. Applying lashes can put a strain on your hands, so correct hand placement is crucial.

Accuracy and attention to detail

These two skills go hand in hand. You want to be very accurate and pay attention to every detail because your reputation depends on it. 

Being careful about details will leave no room for mistakes. Your customers expect nothing less than perfection, so it’s crucial to master your skills and consistently deliver excellent results. Practice is key to achieving this, and obtaining the proper training is essential.

Always keep in mind that satisfied customers will recommend you to their friends and family. 

Being creative

Since you’re an artist, you’ll need to be creative. Look at each separate lash as a work of art and you’ll always do your job right. Always strive to do your job as perfectly as possible. If you’re a creative individual, this shouldn’t be an issue for you. 

Keep getting inspired by other lash artists and don’t be afraid to try out new things.

Excellent customer service skill

How you interact and behave with your customers will significantly affect the reputation and success of your business. Strive to constantly improve and polish your customer service skills.

Always make your customers feel welcome, make small talk with them if that’s what they like, and make them feel good in your presence. This will make them want to come time and time again.


Just like every career, being a lash artist isn’t for everyone. While, in most cases, you can work on developing certain skills, you need to love your job to be able to do it right.

Hopefully, this article can help you decide if being a lash artist is for you or not.