Get your diet on track after a HUGE thanksgiving – 5 tips to start eating healthy after a long break

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Written By adoosimg

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Thanksgiving is indeed amazing and full of love, warmth, and all that family affection one could get. It bears happiness, heartiness, and incredible memories. Also, not to mention the fatty foods that you get to have. Calories and flavor sent from heaven cannot be denied! 

Despite the free weekend full of love and flavors, Thanksgiving comes with loads of treats that are bound to get you off of the track. To get back on a healthy diet indeed becomes difficult; hence; let’s discuss a few tips and ideas that are bound to keep you on track even after a big holiday like Thanksgiving.

#1- Don’t be Guilty 

Begin by ensuring that you are not guilty of pampering yourself with all the excellent food around you. Thanksgiving is the concept of praising what you have and how lucky you are to be blessed with so much in life. People need to realize the role of food, which offers much-needed energy and is a foundation for growth. It is also an opportunity to stay in touch with friends and relatives, and not to get lost in worries about food choices. Whether you are on a foodie tour or only eating a lot during Thanksgiving, you cannot put on all the weight at once. Many people who consider that they put of importance during a short period of time, especially during the holidays, are wrong. It takes you years to gain weight. Therefore, be wholly guilt-free and open to choices when it comes to eating at Thanksgiving.

#2- Resume your “pre-vacation” eating 

Right after a vacation, it is understandable that you do not just want to eat. Missing nutrition only causes the body to switch into starvation mode and burn fewer calories. You can also skip and hold on the weight you have accumulated instead of letting go of it. On the other side, regular meals improve metabolism, controlling blood sugar, leptin, and deprivation hormones. Only plan to eat breakfast three or five hours early, or skip the other meals. Remember, always preferring the price of a new day for a couple of days to be replicated. Your body wants coherence, and repetition and rapidity can go a long way to restoring balance after they are synced with reality.

#3- Sip, sip and keep on sipping 

Sip a lot but only water! Consider yourself as the water terminator and drink plenty of water instead of juices and beverages. Water stimulates optimum metabolism and helps to reduce hunger naturally. Drinking more water will wash away excess sodium and enable you de-flow easily and relieve constipation by pushing the digestive system. Go for 2-2.5 liters, which is almost 8-10 cups of water each day. The amount of water you need to consume is entirely dependent on your body weight. Several apps are available that can tell you your required water intake as per your weight.

#4- Eat Fresh 

Nothing makes you feel more bloated, fluttered, and gloomy than one week of fats, white carbs, and booze cake. Even if you consider being on a foodie tour, you’d be looking for the fresh fruits and healthy carbs on your buffet very soon. In addition to the bananas, nuts and hot water, cider with lemon it is advised to include green smoothie with whey protein and almond milk at breakfast; green salad with 4 ounces of salmon or any other protein, 1/4 dressing avocados and fresh lunch veggies; and turkey burgers with spinach and mushrooms, all of which are popular. This can be your perfect diet menu after the holiday. By following a holiday, it is possible to eat fresh and nutritious food.

#5- Start being more active 

Burning down glucose and the carbohydrates that your body has in storage if you eat more than normal is one way to feel lighter instantly. To start pumping up and burning those unwanted calories, it is time to bring that heart rate up. Start off by hitting the gym or working out at home with a simple combination of effective workouts like Zumba and walking. So note how tiny increases in your level of activity encourage you to take steps or to dance in your living room! Nothing makes a man feel great about him than a very vigorous and sweaty workout. Make sure that all that you are doing at the gym complements what goes inside your body.


It is indeed challenging to get back on track after a holiday. Therefore, it is essential to stay hello to your old habits after a guilt-free holiday. Whether it involves eating less sugar or being on low-carbs, stay active ad determined to get the vacation bloating as much away from you as possible. 

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