Top 5 Reasons To Introduce Allergens Early To Your Baby

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Written By adoosimg

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Introduce allergens early to your baby will prevent any food allergy the body might develop. Recommendations have shown that common allergens in babies have changed over the years for preventing common food allergies. Reports have proven that food containing common allergens should be introduced within 6 months of age but not before 4 months. Likewise, parents want to introduce allergens early in feeding to allow the immune system to develop. Babies suffering from eczema are at higher risks of developing a food allergy as they are not introduced to the potential allergens, mostly during infancy. 

The babies will not react if the foods are introduced between 4 to 6 months of age. Further, common allergic reactions for toddlers and infants are vomiting and hives. 

Reasons to introduce allergens early to babies

  1. Preventing food allergies is possible if the babies are exposed to all kinds of foods early in their lives. Likewise, the risks for food development increase most when the child has eczema. Even a family history of food allergies or lack of diet diversity can also increase food allergies.
  1. The early introduction of diverse foods can be done during 4 to 6 months of age. Besides, all the various foods include common allergens, must be introduced early. 
  1. Research has shown that avoiding allergenic foods in the first year of life increases food-specific sanitization. Further, children who are not introduced to peanuts by 12 months have a 4x chance of developing a food allergy. 
  1. Food allergy symptoms are mild in babies and infants so, starting early is the possible way to feed allergens to the body. Besides, the severe food reactions increase with age, mostly in low infants. It supports early allergy oral introduction in the bodies. When the baby turns one, it is the safest time to feed common allergens like milk, eggs, shellfish, tree nuts, etc. 
  1. The most common indicator for developing a high allergy is infant eczema. Secondly, introduce allergens early to babies through feeding. It typically allows them to tolerate the foods safely. If the baby is exposed to the allergens in another way, things can go wrong for them. When the baby is exposed to the skin, the bodies are trained to react as foreign intruders. The researchers show that when babies are exposed to skin, they are at a more significant risk for developing food sensitivities. 

Parents must be familiar with common food allergy symptoms and understand the differences between food allergies and tolerance. 

Allergy prevention in babies

Parents can do many things for preventing food allergies. Parents with children already diagnosed with the allergy can turn to medicines. Or there are other therapy options as well for managing the allergy symptoms. 

Prevention of allergies

  • Equipping the children with the medical alert bracelet
  • Ensure that there is medical assistance available at all times
  • Read all the ingredients on the labels properly
  • Visiting the Food Allergy Research and Education website to get more information on what foods to avoid. 

When dining out:

  • Speak to the waiter on arrival.
  • Order the foods that had simple ingredients. Review all the everyday foods available at the restaurants and check the ingredients on the website. 
  • Confirm the ingredients with the waiter before ordering the food. 

An early introduction to common allergy foods can be pretty challenging for the parents. A whole new range of food products has been created to help the parents to introduce allergens early. Besides, with the clinical trials, infants exposed to allergenic foods 2 to 7 times a week are less prone to allergies. Many families struggle to introduce allergens early with sustained exposure. 

Many of the 4 months old are not ready to take solid foods. They are picky eaters making it nearly impossible to feed them anything. Despite being the difficulty of exposure, it is necessary to start early. Start with one allergy food at a time, and if the baby doesn’t show any reactions, you can increase the quantity. Try introducing new allergens daily, and you can implement them as your regular diet. Babies need to be fed with care and parents should look into their diet well.