Keep Your Baby Healthy Using a Disinfectant Dish Wash Soap

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Written By adoosimg

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Newborn babies are susceptible to infection. A small ignorance can introduce diseases in an infant. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the mother to take precautionary measures to keep your child fit and healthy.

If you feed your baby through a bottle, the disinfection of the container becomes essential. Milk usually gets stick to the corners of the bottle. It is impossible to remove it only with the help of a brush and water. The deposition of milk over the days can lead to the growth of fungus. So, it becomes essential to use the dish wash detergent. 

However, we cannot use the regular dish wash bar or liquid that we use for our daily utensils. It is because, if the chemicals of the soap remain in the feeding bottle, it may further mix into the child’s formula milk. 

Well, in such a condition you can go with natural mild baby-friendly dish wash soap. One of such soaps is Dapple Baby. These washing soaps are manufactured with keeping in mind the health and well-being of the newborn. 

How is Baby Dish Wash Soap Different from Regular Dishwashing Detergent?

The dish wash designed for cleaning the dishes, sipper, bottles, and other cutlery is non-toxic. After the manufacture, it keeps under test by the special pediatric team. The team consists of a physician, dermatologists, and other sub-specialised doctors who confirm that the detergent is safe to use for a child. 

Dapple Baby is one of the best selling dish wash detergents because it is tried and tested by many mothers across the world and it delivers satisfactory results to them. This baby-friendly non-toxic dish wash soap is available in different colours, flavours, and free from any artificial fragrances that can be allergic to the baby. 

The Dapple Baby soap is entirely plant-based. Let us check the ingredients that are not used in the dishwashing soap for health reasons.

  • Dyes:

Dyes do no good to the soap, apart from imparting colour to it. So, it is not used at all in baby-friendly dish cleansers.

  • SLES ( Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate):

SLES has carcinogenic properties. It can prove to be nasty for small children. For the same, the best baby dishwashing soap manufacturer does not include this ingredient for the making.

  • Phosphates:

Phosphates are actively harmful not only for babies but also for the environment. So, now most of the cleansers irrespective of their use for the adults or the children are free from phosphates. 

  • Artificial Fragrances:

The fragrance is just an attraction for the customers. It will not enhance the cleaning properties of the dish wash detergent. Dapple Baby products use only the raw materials that are important for cleaning and unnecessary additives. Thus, synthetic scents are never a part of eco-friendly dishwashing detergents. If at all necessary, they make use of essential oils. It also adds soothing smell to the soap.

  • Dioxane:

Dioxane is a derivative of synthetic coconut, but not all the derivatives of coconut are skin-friendly. Dioxane products can cause skin allergy in babies when they hold their usable. Thus, the manufacturers do not use it. 

  • PEG-6 

PEG-6 is yet another chemical that can introduce toxins in the body of the children. Therefore, it should be absent in the dishwashing soap you purchase for your children.

If you find any of the above ingredients in the dishwashing detergent for your babies, then it is not suitable for them. Well, for that you first need to be sure that you check the ingredients in the soap. 

The above information is not only important for the mothers bottle-feeding their children; breastfeeding mothers should be equally alert. 

Keep a disinfectant soap to wash the pump that you use while breastfeeding your child. Also, the soap you use while bathing should be free from the above ingredients. As the children are in direct contact with your skin, so it can prove to be harmful. 

How To Use the Baby-Friendly Dishwashing Soap for the Best Results?

For disinfection of the bottles, you use for your child; you must use the detergent with hot water. Wash the jar thoroughly with the brush, shake the water, rinse, and throw off the mix. 

Now rewash the bottle with plain hot water. Once the container properly washed, allow it to dry. Wash the utensils of your child immediately after its use. 

Bottom Line

As a mom, you have taken complete responsibility for the well-being of your child. If you want to avoid seeing a doctor, again and again, take care of what you serve your child. 

Check the ingredients of every product you purchase for your child and think twice about its consequences on their health. 

Dapple Baby is just a supporting hand in your wise parenting.