Pasta Recipes With Meatballs

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Written By adoosimg

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Spaghetti and meatballs topped with marinara sauce is a timeless dish that’s a family favorite. However, meatballs can be also be used with other pasta varieties, and you can switch up the flavors to keep things interesting for your family. A pack of organic frozen meatballs will help you save time on those busy weeknights when you’re short on time. To know the price of frozen meatballs, head to your local grocery store. Keep reading as we tell you more about delicious pasta recipes that combine meatballs with pasta, sprinkled with yummy flavors.

Meatballs and Pasta in A Herb Sauce

Herbs add a ton of flavor to any dish and are filled with antioxidants and micronutrients that make the recipe healthier. Swap out the traditional marinara sauce for this herb-infused green sauce, and take your pasta and meatballs to a new level of deliciousness. This innovative recipe uses fresh herbs like chives, parsley, basil, and a dash of mint. Use extra virgin olive oil to blend these herbs to a coarse paste. Use a few garlic cloves in the mix for extra flavor. Season with salt and pepper. To make the dish, cook the pasta in boiling water until al dente. Drain the pasta, reserving some of its cooking liquid for use later. Toss the pasta with the prepared herb sauce, add the pasta water to make it moist. Top with baked meatballs, and serve warm garnished with grated Parmesan cheese.

Cajun Pasta and Meatballs

Flavor your pasta with a spicy Cajun blend and then top with baked meatballs for a zesty dinner that’s oh-so-satisfying! Cook and drain pasta until tender but not mushy. To make the dish, heat olive oil in a skillet, add a few cloves of crushed garlic and cook for a minute. Add in chopped onions and cook until they turn translucent. Next, add the pasta, a can of fire-roasted tomatoes, mix well. Season generously with salt, pepper and the Cajun spice mix. Add a spoon or two of chicken broth or cooking liquid from the pasta and mix everything well. For a creamier version, add about 2 oz cream cheese to the dish. Top with the prepared meatballs and serve garnished with sliced scallions.

Ready-to-use meatballs come in handy when you’re rushed, yet want to make something comforting and delicious for your family. To know frozen meatballs price, take a look at the frozen aisle in your local grocery store.