7 smart link-building techniques to improve your Website SEO

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Written By adoosimg

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When you are using SEO techniques to enhance search engine ranking for your website using smart link-building techniques should be one of the primary concerns. It is certainly one of the key to success to websites. It is essential to provide useful information about the website or organization in the link building otherwise all the time and money will be wasted and it may happen the website gets blacklisted from the Google search engine. That is the reason why it becomes important to know all the techniques that can help to improve the SEO ranking of the website. 

In this way, we have come up with some essential smart link building techniques which must be followed to get a higher SEO Ranking for the website:

  • Internal links: 

Internal links are those links with the help of which the visitor can go from one webpage to another webpage within the same site. It is mostly seen that people often ignore the internal link. But, you must not forget that internal links are something that helps the visitor to dig deeper into the website. It suggests to the readers what next they can found on the website that is of their interest. That is the reason why it is very essential to have a good keyword phrase for the internal link. The internal link also helps in improving the page authority and decrease the overall bounce rate of the website. Link building services providers are well aware of this, so it is good to hire them.

  • Building a link from the trusted sites:  

External Links are also used to enhance SEO ranking. When another website adds a link that diverts traffic to your site then it is called Extern Link. It essential to find out some trusted sites where you can post content of related niche and can get a link from that website. It helps in establishing the authority of the website. Actually, what happens is that when a website has a backlink from any trusted website the search engine thinks that the website has the authority on that particular topic. But it is very important to remember that when you will have too many links on the website the search engine considers it to be spam. The important role in SEO is a guest post and guest blogging services are provided by various companies.

  • Content curation website: 

You can also use any of content curation websites for link building. Content curation website is actually a kind of website with the help of which it becomes possible to find out the favorite topic on which the viewers will be more interested. It also becomes possible to curate, publish as well as share any kind of social network that they prefer. Some of the popular content curation websites apart from Scoop.it are BuzzFeed and Lifehacker.

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  • Infographics: 

Using better infographics in the content of the website can be another great way to promote the link. It will certainly be a creative way to enhance the reach.  Before making the infographics, it is important to determine what the audience actually requires. However, you must keep an eye on the size of the infographic and you must limit it to 1500 to 2000 pixels so that it can be loaded very easily.

  • Link building with social sharing websites: 

Social Sharing websites are also a good source of link building to increase traffic on the website. It is the social sharing website where it becomes possible for the user to add, edit as well as share the content across the website. It also helps in getting high-quality backlinks which will ultimately help in getting the traffic of the website. Thus using a social sharing website it becomes possible to get quality linkage for getting into the next level.

  • Using List.ly: 

It is also important to use the social curation website such as List.ly. It is believed to be the best social curation site that comes up with lists as a metaphor. It is true that people always like to have listed and want to see comment in the list view. List.ly is actually a great platform where the user can get a list of tips such as the list of popular songs or a list of something that the user has an interest in it.  It is possible to create an account on List.ly for free. Apart from that, it is also necessary to sign up with social networking such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or LinkedIn.     

  • Using local business citations: 

Apart from the backlink, it is important to use the local link if it is a local business. If you have local links then it may become possible to draw some additional traffic especially from those people who usually use local searches for finding the business that is near them. Hence, local business citations are a very essential factor that needs to be considered for improving the positions in the local search results. Generally, it is seen that there are three terms used in local citations which are Name, Address, and Phone Number. In short, it can be termed as NAP. Actually, the citation links are very essential for a local ranking which can help the popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. in enhancing the ranking of the local search results. 

Thus, there are some link-building techniques that can provide you higher SEO ranking if they are used in the right manner.