How to Deal with Skin Tags?

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Professional skin tag removal by a qualified Dermatologist minimises the risk of complications and ensures the best cosmetic outcome.

Skin tags, also known as acrochordons, are small, benign growths that dangle from the skin. These growths, which measure between 1 mm and 1 cm, consist of collagen (a protein) and blood vessels encased in skin. They typically appear in areas where skin rubs together, such as the groin, anus, armpits, thighs, neck, eyelids, and beneath the breasts. Skin tags are common amongst adults, especially as they get older. Although they do not pose a health risk, their presence in visible areas can affect one’s appearance. Fortunately, there are several methods to remove skin tags. Consulting with a specialist, such as Dr Ravichandran G, one of the best dermatologists in Chennai, can help you find the best removal option.

What Causes Skin Tags?

The exact cause of skin tags remains unclear, though both lifestyle and genetic factors are believed to play a role. Some individuals develop them without any known reason. Skin tags are more likely to appear in areas where the skin frequently rubs against itself. Certain health conditions may increase the likelihood of developing skin tags, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Overweight & Obesity
  • Pregnancy

People of any gender can develop skin tags, but they are more common in older individuals. If you develop skin tags during pregnancy, they typically disappear after childbirth.

Symptoms of Skin Tags

Skin tags often appear as clusters of skin tissue protruding from a small stem. They differ from warts and other benign skin lesions due to the tiny stalk that connects them to the skin. Unlike warts, which are usually flat, skin tags hang off the skin. Most skin tags are painless and asymptomatic, but they can become sore and bleed if they rub against clothing or jewellery.

How to Remove Skin Tags?

Most skin tags don’t require treatment. If a skin tag doesn’t bother you or cause any pain, treatment may be unnecessary, as some may fall off on their own. However, if a skin tag becomes irritated, bleeds easily, or its appearance is bothersome, you might want to consult your doctor about removal. For effective removal, it’s best to consult a specialist like Dr Ravichandran G, one of the best Dermatologists in Chennai. Dermatologists are skilled in treating delicate areas, such as the face or eyelids, and minimising scarring, which is crucial for skin tags on the neck. They can also accurately diagnose other growths that may not be skin tags. Several methods are available for skin tag removal, typically performed in-office, including:

  • Freezing it with liquid nitrogen
  • Shaving or cutting it off with a sharp instrument like a scalpel
  • Burning it off or stopping bleeding with cauterisation

While skin tag removal can cause mild discomfort, medication is provided to ensure you remain as comfortable as possible during the procedure.

Can You Remove Skin Tags at Home?

There are many over-the-counter (OTC) skin tag removal products, however, at-home treatments are usually not safe and come with an increased risk of complications. These complications include:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Scarring
  • Incomplete removal, leading to the skin tag’s return
  • Infection
  • Damage to nearby healthy skin
  • Incorrectly treating something that is not a skin tag, like skin cancer

Skin tags are common, and there’s a good chance you’ll experience one in your lifetime. While they can be unsightly, skin tags are noncancerous and generally harmless. However, if their appearance bothers you or they rub against skin, clothing or jewellery, you can have them removed. Seeking removal from an experienced healthcare provider reduces the chance of complications and minimises scarring. Book a consultation with Dr Ravichandran G, one of the best Dermatologists in Chennai, via Apollo to offer expert care and treatment options tailored to your needs.