Top 10 food items that you should never feed your dogs

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A lot of dog owners would relate to it when we say that dogs are mealtime opportunists. From when you are having your meal to grabbing a quick snack, your furry friend will always look at you with his cute puppy eyes to persuade you to share. However, there are some things that you should never share with your dog. They might be the healthiest or the tastiest things, but no matter how much they beg, you should keep it away from them. They might not necessarily be deadly, but they sure have some negative impact on your canine. So, in all situations, the best thing is to stick to the dog food, which the vet has recommended you. Of course, you can give those treats, now and then, as long as you avoid everything toxic. Here is a list of a few things that you should never give to your dogs.

Garlics and onions

Jiah, who offers online do my finance homework services, is a dog parent; she says that whenever she adds onion or garlic in her meals, she never feeds the same to her dog. It is because both garlic and onions come from the allium plant family. They can hamper the red blood cells of your pup. So, if your dog eats either of the two, he might become anemic. Further, from all the other allium plants, garlic is the one that’s the most toxic. Some of the common symptoms of anemia in a dog are vomiting, weakness, breathlessness, little or no interest in food, and others.  

Peaches, persimmon or Plums

Brian, a dog parent, who offers online do my statistics homework services, says that it is not the fruit (peach or plum) that is dangerous for the pet, but rather the pit inside them. These pits can cause intestinal blockage, which can further lead to something fatal. Moreover, the pits have cyanide, which is not only dangerous for the dogs but also humans. We, humans, know that we have to spit out the pit, but the dogs might continue chowing down. Also, the persimmon seeds are equally dangerous. They may lead to inflammation of the intestines and cause serious discomfort to the dogs. 


You should never leave your bread dough unattended. Yeast can be very dangerous for the dogs, and it will keep rising in the stomach. Lily, who works with PaperDoers, says that if a dog consumes yeast, it can lead to the formation of gas in the digestive system of the dog. This can be extremely painful and might even lead to the blocking or obstruction in the intestines. Further, yeast tends to produce ethanol in the stomach, which can make your dog drunk. 

Grapes and raisins

Grapes and raisins are dangerous for the dog’s kidneys. So, you should never feed grapes to your dogs. Such a condition can be very fatal. 


Nia, who offers online essay writing service, says that alcohol has the same effect on the dog’s liver as it does on humans. However, in the case of the dogs, the damage done is quicker and far worse. Consumption of only a little alcohol can lead to diarrhea, breathing disability, vomiting, coordination problems, and might have an impact on the central nervous system. If the intake is high, it can lead to coma or even death. Every pet owner must think of the dogs as kids. So, just like children find it hard to ingest alcohol, so do the dogs. 

Gums and candies

Gargi, who offers online CDR report writing service, says that you must keep the candies, gums, and the sweets away from the dogs. These things have a sweetener known as xylitol, which is present in a few diet foods and toothpaste. In dogs, the intake of xylitol can lead to a spike in the insulin. It can hamper the blood sugar levels and damage the liver.  

Macadamia nuts

If you love the white chocolate macadamia cookie or macadamia nuts, you should keep them hidden in your cupboard. Just like the ones mentioned above, macadamia nuts can harm the health of your dog. Consumption of only 6 macadamia nuts can cause serious illness amongst the canines. It could be in any form – raw or roasted, for dogs they are poisoning. Consumption of macadamia nuts can lead to vomiting, muscle tremors, paralysis, and even death.  

Corn on the cob

In a lot of dog food, corn is the filler ingredient. However, you should not feed them corn in its natural form. It is so because, when you give the corn on the cob to the dogs, they will keep chomping on the cob even after the kernels are over. Intake of cob can lead to intestinal blockages, which might put your dog under surgery. So, either feed the corn without the cob or be around the dog when he is eating. 


Of course, you wouldn’t have your canine drinking coffee, but did you know that a substantial amount of caffeine is found in sodas and energy drinks too. Chris, who did an excellent CloudWays review online says that when the dog intakes caffeine, it can be poisonous for him. Caffeine has a substance known as methylxanthines, which is found in the fruit of the plant that is used in the making of the coffee. It can be dangerous for pets. Intake of methylxanthines can lead to excessive thirst, diarrhea, hyperactivity, tremors, continuous urination, abnormal heart rhythm, vomiting, seizures, panting, and in some cases, even death.     


A lot of dog owners already know that chocolate isn’t good for their canine. Just like caffeine, chocolate also has methylxanthines present in it. So, the impact of the ingredient is the same, even in the chocolates. There are some chocolates, which are more dangerous than others. For instance, the chocolate mulch, dark chocolate, or the unsweetened baker’s chocolate is primarily more dangerous for the dogs. 

So, these, according to us, are the top 10 foods that you must never feed to your canines. 

Author Bio:

Pankaj Raghav is a fulltime blogger with TrumpLearning. Read his latest post based on best blockchain certification courses available in India. Learn about the SEO tactics at his blog.