7 reasons why you should wear birthstones

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Written By adoosimg

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Birthstones are symbols that have been around for thousands of years. They are the subject of many superstitions, myths, and legends.

The earliest mentions go back as far as biblical times when the twelve birthstones were said to represent the twelve tribes of Israel.

But why wear them? Let’s check out 7 reasons, lucky number 7, which brings us to…

Reason No. 1: Good luck

Well, there are many reasons, but the first one is that it’s said that wearing your own birthstone brings good luck. So if you feel you could use a little bit more luck in your life, wear your birthstone as an accessory. A lot of jewellers make custom birthstone necklaces and bracelets so it’s easy to get one done or you can always just buy a stock item.

On the flip side, it’s also said that wearing someone else’s birthstone can bring bad luck, but… you shouldn’t believe every superstition or it will greatly limit the number of birthstone accessories you can enjoy and the symbolism behind them.

Reason No. 2: Good health

Like all other precious and semi-precious stones, birthstones are mostly minerals too and minerals have always been linked to healing. The idea that minerals possess healing properties is also thousands of years old and widely adopted. So if you feel like you or someone you know could use a health boost (birthstone items make for excellent gifts as well), get a piece of jewellery or some other accessory with your or their birthstone.

Reason No. 5: Spiritual benefits

Reason No. 3: They are very pretty

If the potential health and fortune benefits don’t convince you, there is another very simple reason to wear birthstone accessories… They are gorgeous! Like all other gems, birthstones are not exactly hard on the eyes and make any accessory look better. So if you are a stylish fashionista, having some birthstone items in your closet or jewellery box is a must.

Reason No. 4: Keep your family with you

Birthstones can also be used to represent your family. Since each birthstone represents a birth month, you can stack them together on a piece of jewellery (very common) or even on a piece of clothing (not so common) or another type of accessory. The beautiful thing about this concept is that in most cases you can add additional birthstones as your family grows and expands. That is also why a necklace or a bracelet with birthstones of family members is a very common gift for mothers.

Reason No. 5: Spiritual benefits

Luck, health and all-around protection of your spirit. These gems are believed to be very spiritual in their essence and can protect your soul and mind. Keeping them close to you can thus have many positive effects on your mind, soul, and body.

Reason No. 5: Spiritual benefits

Reason No. 6: They are a great talking point at parties

As there is so much meaning, history and symbolism behind them, they make for quite a conversation piece. They are so pretty that you’ll surely get complimented on any item with birthstones that you might be wearing and it will undoubtedly lead to a very pleasant conversation about what exactly that piece means to you.

Reason No. 7: Celebrities love birthstones

Katy Perry, Adele and Victoria Beckham are just a few celebrities that have been seen in birthstone jewellery as well as talked about how these special gems influenced their lives. So you want to be like celebrities? Better head over to your local jeweller and ask what birthstone items they have in stock or simply order yourself something online.