How to Fix the [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] Error in Microsoft Outlook

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Written By adoosimg

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Microsoft Outlook has become a popular tool to manage work and personal life for many professionals. You can manage your emails, set to-do reminders, update your Calendar using the same Outlook account. However, despite its remarkable functionality, even Microsoft Outlook can run into different types of errors. 

While there are many Outlook errors that people encounter in their daily life, [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] has become a common Outlook error in the recent few months. Online forums are flooded with queries from users trying to find ways to fix this error.

If you’re one of them, this guide will help. In this brief guide, we are going to share different working solutions that’ll help you fix the [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] error in Microsoft Outlook. 

What Causes the [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] Error?

Before proceeding with the solutions, let’s first understand what triggers the error in the first place. Here are some of the most common reasons that may interrupt the normal functionality of your Outlook account and trigger the said error instead. 

  • You’re running multiple Outlook accounts and haven’t cleared the caches in a while
  • There is some installation error with the Outlook app
  • You haven’t updated the Outlook app to its latest version

Tips to Fix the [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] Error

So, now that you know what causes the [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] error, let’s quickly dive into the solutions that’ll help you fix it and access your Outlook account. 

1. Clear Cookies and Cache Files in the Outlook App

When you use Outlook to manage multiple emails, it’ll create cookies and cache files to speed up the overall processing. While cookies help the app improve its usability, they can also damage your browsing experience if you don’t clear them regularly. Follow these steps to clear cookies and cache files in Microsoft Outlook. 

Step 1 – Save your Outlook data and close the app. 

Step 2 – Then, press “Windows+R” on your keyboard and type “%localappdata%\Microsoft\Outlook” in the search bar. Press Enter to proceed further. 

Step 3 – Locate the “RoamCache” folder and double-click to open it. 

Step 4 – Select all the files and press “Delete” to permanently delete them. 

That’s it; all the cookies will be removed from and you won’t encounter the [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] error anymore. 

2. Update Microsoft Outlook

As we mentioned earlier, running an outdated version of Outlook is one of the most common reasons for the [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] error. So, go to the Microsoft Store and check if there are any new updates available for Microsoft Outlook. In case there’s a new version available, make sure to install it on your PC. This will fix the [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] error on your Microsoft Outlook account. 

3. Use the Microsoft Outlook Web Version

In case none of the above-mentioned solutions fix the problem, it’s quite possible that the issue is being triggered from the backend. In this case, you have no other option but to switch to the web version of Microsoft Outlook. However, keep checking the app from time to time to see if the error is gone or not. 

So, these are the three methods that’ll help you fix the [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] error on your Microsoft Outlook account.