How to Choose a Development Stack for Your Mobile App?

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Written By adoosimg

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Mobile apps have now become a bigger part of the market than they ever have been in the past. According to BuildFire, 49% of people open an app 11 or more times a day and 21% of millennial open apps more than 50 times a day. 

Because of this, developers are under more pressure than ever to create high-quality, one-of-a-kind apps. To do this, they need to make the right developmental decisions and the right tools for the job to be done. 

A developmental stack refers to the software that a team uses to develop the app. This can include the programming language, the programs used, tools, UI/UX solutions, and other technology the team uses throughout the process. Choosing the right tools for this task is one of the foundational steps to set an app up for success. 

How to Choose the Best Development Stack for Your App 

Consider the Type of App You’re Creating

There are two general types of apps – native and hybrid apps. Native apps refer to apps made for a single platform, usually either iOS or Android. By comparison, hybrid or cross-platform apps cater to multiple platforms. 

This leaves three types of technology stacks: iOS, Android, or hybrid development stacks. Depending on the type of app you’re creating, the need for technology developers will differ. For instance, the tools for an iOS stack won’t necessarily work for Android development. 

Consider the App’s Purpose

The purpose of an app changes the development plan and process. For instance, the steps that a company that develops apps take and the technology they use in the development of a mobile game and e-commerce app will vary significantly. 

Considering what your app needs and what its end goals are important steps to take in choosing what software belongs in an app development stack. This is usually a question answered during the initial brainstorming process for app ideas.

Consider the Parent Company of the Software Itself

Sometimes it’s best to consider not only the software that your company needs but what the quality of the software is as well. If a development team runs into a problem with the software that they’re using, it’s good to know that they can rely on the high-quality support and documentation. 

Many of the biggest brands like Adobe and Google have gained the popularity they have for the quality of their service. More popular brands also tend to have larger, more collaborative communities behind them. 

Consider Development Speed

The time frame a team has to turn around an app and its updates also influence the technology stack that will work best for the company. For instance, if your company depends on quick turnaround times, choosing a development stack that has plenty of quickly implemented pre-made assets can cut down on development time. On the other hand, software that allows for more customization gives developers more creative license during the development process. 

Consider the Development Team’s Budget

This point is one of the most considerable ones. Every project has a budget, no matter how big or small. When an app development goes over budget, developers often have to sacrifice some of their goals or the company has to take on a larger financial risk than they were ready for. A development stack and the price of the technology included in the budget considerations before making any final decisions. 


Developing an app is a careful and calculated process. Its success often depends on developers making the right decisions and using the right technology. Keeping the mentioned points in mind during the process of choosing the development stack for a project, will help the project go off without a hitch.